There are various levels the body goes through when it comes to dysfunction and pain.
What most people don’t realise is that there are levels before a person feels pain.
Level 0 – No Pain, No Problem :-)
This is a good place to be – unfortunately not many people find themselves here.
Level 1 – Dysfunction
Many people are at this level, blissfully unaware of it.
Very often we can have joints in the body not functioning like they should, this can in turn affect the muscle function and vice verse. Often the nerve will also be involved, firing signals to the brain, but at levels too low for you to be consciously aware of
When a person comes in for a checkup – they are often surprised when I find areas not functioning like they should even when they didn’t feel it.
Level 2 – Discomfort
Have you ever had a situation where things don’t feel right? It’s not sore, but not right either.
This is Discomfort. It often kicks in just before pain starts, especially if it is something that has been building up for a long time. A good time to get things checked and corrected.
Level 3 – Pain!!
The sad reality is that most people arrive here with pain. Very few people come in on level 2 and even less on level 1.
Pain can be Acute, a Flare-up or Chronic. It can branch into all sorts of directions, just like a tree.
This is a whole other topic to go through.
So for now – work out which level you are at and decide if it isn’t worth while to get it checked out.